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How to Fix errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=не удалось найти указанную быструю команду.&errorcode=4 Error

The errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=не удалось найти указанную быструю команду.&errorcode=4 error is a common issue faced by macOS users. This error indicates that the system cannot locate a specified quick command, often resulting in disrupted workflow and frustration. Addressing this error promptly is crucial to maintaining system efficiency and user productivity.

Understanding the Error

Definition and Translation

The error message can be translated as “Failed to find the specified quick command.” This message originates from the NSCocoaErrorDomain, a domain used by Cocoa applications to handle errors. In simpler terms, macOS cannot execute or find a specific command or shortcut you have tried to use.

Common Contexts

This error typically arises in scenarios involving automation tools, system scripts, or custom shortcuts. It may appear when using macOS’s built-in commands or third-party applications that interact with the system’s command line or scripting functionalities.

Types and Categories

How To Fix errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=could not find the specified shortcut.&errorcode=4 Error In 2024?

Different Scenarios

  1. Automation Scripts: Errors in AppleScripts or Automator workflows can trigger this message.
  2. Custom Shortcuts: Issues with user-defined shortcuts or commands.
  3. System Updates: Errors post macOS updates or system modifications.

Variants of the Error Message

The error message might vary slightly based on the application or context in which it appears, but the core issue remains the same.

Symptoms and Signs

Visual and Functional Symptoms

Causes and Risk Factors

Potential Causes

  1. Misconfigured Shortcuts: Incorrect or incomplete shortcut definitions.
  2. System Corruption: Issues with macOS system files or settings.
  3. Application Conflicts: Interference from third-party applications or extensions.

Risk Factors

Diagnosis and Tests

Diagnostic Tools and Methods

  1. Console Logs: Check the macOS Console for error logs related to the issue.
  2. Activity Monitor: Use Activity Monitor to identify any conflicting processes.

Steps to Identify the Root Cause

  1. Recreate the Error: Attempt to reproduce the error to pinpoint specific triggers.
  2. Check Shortcuts: Review and verify the configuration of shortcuts and scripts.

Treatment Options

Step-by-Step Solutions

  1. Reset Shortcuts: Reconfigure or reset any custom shortcuts causing issues.
  2. Repair System Files: Use macOS Disk Utility to repair disk permissions and system files.
  3. Update Software: Ensure that macOS and all applications are up-to-date.

Alternative Methods and Workarounds

Preventive Measures

Tips to Avoid Future Errors

  1. Regular Updates: Keep macOS and applications updated to avoid compatibility issues.
  2. Backup Regularly: Use Time Machine or another backup solution to safeguard your system.

Best Practices

Personal Stories or Case Studies

Real-Life Examples

  1. Case Study 1: After a macOS update, a user experienced the error and resolved it by resetting system preferences.
  2. Case Study 2: Another user fixed the issue by reconfiguring automation scripts and commands.

Solutions That Worked

Expert Insights

Quotes and Advice

“Keeping your system updated and properly configured can prevent most common errors, including the NSCocoaErrorDomain issues.” – IT Specialist.

Recommended Practices


In summary, the errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=не удалось найти указанную быструю команду.&errorcode=4 error can disrupt your macOS experience, but proper diagnosis and troubleshooting can resolve it effectively. Following the outlined steps, you can identify the root cause, apply suitable fixes, and implement preventive measures to avoid future occurrences.


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